Saturday 16 February 2008

Running thoughts

In a macho moment (I dont have many to be honest!) I tried to come up with a couple of the best cheesy, macho running thoughts to have with me on the run... I cant say that this is what I am thinking of constantly whilst running, but at times when things are tough, it is good to know what others have been through.

The last couple of months I have built up a small library of books covering ultra-running, ironman experiences, and training guide books for endurance racing. I find it comforting to have read about people that have pressed on to their limits and then continued through the wall. It helps me to mentally prepare for the Namibia race. To have seen a pair of feet with hardly any skin left sort of prepares you for what will come.

So if anyone out there has any good one-liners, please click on the comment button below and I'll make another list of the best ones in a later post.

To get you in the zone, consider these one-liners (cheesy, are they not *smile*)

"Pain is fear leaving the body"

Dean Karnazes cross country coach

"Pain is temporary, quitting is forever"

Lance Armstrong


Joakim Jonsson said...

RUN Joakim Run! (was left on the sponsor page to me)

(is it a bit sad that I am writing down my own comments *smile*)

Joakim Jonsson said...

Courage is the most beautiful kind of madness - Paul Murray

(once again, also from my sponsor page)