Friday, 4 April 2008

and so I am off...

A very short last entry before heading off to the airport. I just finished packing my last stuff and had a nice lunch with Mo and Martin. I am almost a bit emotional when I am writing this. Over the last couple of days I have had great response from so many of you.

Martin and Mo gave some good last minute advice and also threat of never stop mentioning if I dont make the race, so I guess I better make it :-)

Thank you for all support and speak soon. Update to come next Friday.

Below you can see my race food lined up... Somewhere around 7,000 - 8,000 calories :-)

Think of me on Monday, I will sure have plenty of time to thing of all of you!


Anonymous said...

Look forward to our update!
All the best!
Lycka till!

Anonymous said...

Ups...glömde säga att det var jag....Linda Södis...